Are you suffering with Arthritis?
- Arthritis is a form of joint disorder that involves inflammation in one or more joints.
- There are over 100 different forms of arthritis.
- The most common form of arthritis is osteoarthritis (degenerative joint disease), a result of trauma to the joint, infection of the joint, or age.
- Other arthritis forms are rheumatoid arthritis, psoriatic arthritis, and related.
Can Pilates benefit Arthritis?
- Keeping the affected joints mobile is important and can be achieved by performing Pilates exercises on a regular basis.
- Benefits include increased flexibility, body awareness, decrease in fatigue and a better sense of balance and well-being.
- According to “Arthritis Today,” exercise is a proven way to relieve arthritis pain and improve joint function.
- Stiff joints can be painful and harder to use, but by being more flexible you will feel better.
- The Sports Injury Clinic states that Pilates will not make your pain worse or joints more painful, instead you should expect your quality of life to improve.
- All the benefits of Pilates make it a perfect choice for those with arthritis.
Jackie Warburton, Sale:
“The classes at Sale have been excellent. I am enrolled on the Reformer class and whilst a little daunting the instructors have talked through use of the equipment very thoroughly. They are also able to attend to each student as the classes are small and personal to make sure your positioning and breathing techniques are correct. I would recommend the course and I will be re-enrolling for a second term.”
Can Yoga benefit Arthritis?
- Yoga, a practice of exercises, breathing techniques and meditation that started in ancient India, has been touted as a way to boost physical and mental health for 5,000 years. But does yoga really work to improve physical arthritis symptoms like pain and stiffness, or psychological issues like stress and anxiety? YES.
- In fact, yoga is proven to help people with arthritis improve many physical and psychological symptoms. Recent scientific studies of people with various types of arthritis show that regular yoga practice can help reduce joint pain, improve joint flexibility and function and lower stress and tension to promote better sleep.
- Yoga comes in many different forms, but generally involves positioning the body in various poses along with coordinated breathing and meditation exercises.
Can Rehabilitation benefit Arthritis?
- Arthritis is a painful and debilitating disease and is so prevalent that according to the Arthritis Foundation, 22 percent of adults in the United States report having doctor-diagnosed arthritis.
- Research shows* it can be so painful that it causes many to leave the workforce early.
- The good news is that our rehabilitation programs can help those diagnosed with arthritis, manage the pain and other debilitating side effects to lead healthy, active lifestyles.