Pilates & GYROTONIC® sessions are ideal for people looking for rehabilitation and remedial exercise as a result of a medical conditions or injury.
Pilates & GYROTONIC sessions are a low impact form of exercise developing the smaller muscle groups that work to support joints and bone structures. It is a perfect way to gain strength in the weaker or injured muscles and joints.
Clinical Rehabilitation can help medical conditions
Clinical rehabilitation
Clinical Rehabilitation is a therapy that can be extremely useful in helping people that are suffering from injuries, especially soft tissue injuries. It can be used for things such as back and neck problems, ankle injuries, sports injuries, repetitive stress injuries, muscle strains, and so on. Clinical Rehabilitation is safe to use as a form of rehabilitation as it uses very controlled exercises. The equipment used also helps the body to regain its functional movement after it’s been injured.
Clinical Rehabilitation is excellent for increasing a patient’s strength and flexibility, which is important as these are often lost following an injury of some sort. It can also improve the patient’s posture and muscle symmetry. Clinical Rehabilitation is also surprisingly gentle as it has no impact on the joints, which is important when you are trying to recover from an injury. Clinical Pilates can actually make life after the injury easier, as you instinctively try to protect an injured area, which can lead to muscles degrading and actually cause more pain.
Clinical Rehabilitation increases the flow of blood to the area, and as with other forms of exercise, it can release endorphins which are the body’s natural painkillers.
Cardiac Rehabilitation programme
Pilates & GYROTONIC exercise can form part of your cardiac rehabilitation. During cardiac rehabilitation (rehab), you’ll learn how to:
Increase your physical activity level and exercise safely. Cardiac rehab is a program designed specifically for you and your medical needs . It includes exercise that work the body safely as a full kinectic chain.
Amputee rehabilitation
Amputee rehabilitation Pilates & GYROTONIC exercises will help you maintain the range of motiion in your limbs and back and help you get moving again after an amputation. Many of those activities can be made more challenging by adding weight, not using any object for support, standing instead of sitting, or even standing on one leg. you have can master these activities, you can keep moving by trying using our GYROTONIC Pulley tower for more 3 dimensional functional movements and our Pilates equipment to work on more targeted areas.
Injury Rehabilitation
Clinical Rehabilitation is vital for Injury Prevention
As well as helping to rehabilitate injuries, Clinical Pilates is also excellent for helping to prevent injuries from occurring in the first place. This is because it teaches the person how to hold themselves correctly so that they do not injure themselves due to poor posture, poor moving techniques, or poor lifting techniques. Strengthening the core muscles also helps to prevent injury as the core muscles are the main support for the back and other structures in the body. Improving the person’s flexibility is also important as it creates more supple muscles that are capable of expanding and contracting further.