Sale Super Seniors multi equipment Pilates package
Feel younger, have more energy, improve balance, flexibility and core strength.
Senior package includes:
Pilates one to one is also ideal for older patients because the equipment used provides the clinician with even more opportunities for therapeutic intervention. Each apparatus can provide support or resistance-sometimes both-and can allow for more creativity and freedom in rehabilitation, which is sometimes necessary for our older patients. Our Sale super senior classes use both small and large props depending on the needs of the clients.

Sale Super Senior Pilates equipment exercises
Our Sale Senior one to one packages feature a variety of exercises – for example, footwork exercises (such as a supine leg press) on the reformer provide the clinician with an opportunity to correct closed-chain dysfunction without the effects of gravity on the patient’s joints. This is especially helpful for treating those with painful arthritic joints early on in rehabilitation when standing activities are not tolerated.
For an exercise like sidelying straight leg raise or leg circles, the use of springs on the Cadillac can provide both resistance and assistance through the motion, and can challenge the dynamic stability of the pelvis while the patient remains supported in a safe position.
What may seem like complicated pieces of equipment for athletes are actually very well-designed pieces of machinery that can help us achieve improved mobility and strength in our patients without the pull of gravity or harsh positions used in so many typical gym machines. It is our job to modify activities and exercises when they are unsafe or painful; the Pilates equipment allows us to do this easily. Our Sale super senior classes are taught in small groups to ensure that all clients get adequate attention and results.